WWAC Colligan League

WWAC Colligan League
Please check with Race Organiser for updates.

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West Waterford A.C. will once again host a 5 week league in Colligan wood  (By kind permission, Coillte) starting on Wednesday evening the 2nd April at 6.30 pm continues for another 4 Wednesdays, the 9th, 16th, 23rd and 30th of April.

The cost for all 5 nights is €20 and league is open to all over 16's members/non-members.

The venue is Colligan Wood just outside Dungarvan. From Dungarvan take the N72 and then the R672 to Clonmel. Colligan Wood is approx. 1 mile along this road.

Distances are:

2 laps flat ( approx 2.6 miles)

3 laps flat (approx 4 miles) 

5 mile Hills.

There will be prizes for each distance but you must run 4 nights in your preferred distance to be on the final tables.

We would like to thank our sponsor Mark Mason sincerely for his support again this year.

Race Highlights

  • Date: 02/04/2025
  • Location: Waterford
  • Race Type: Other Distance
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