Is your marathon coming up too soon?

September 10, 2022

Today (9th September) is around three weeks to the Berlin Marathon that will happen on 25th and many runners are looking forward to running their best race times there. However, some could realize that there is so little time remaining between now and then for them to still work on their fitness.

This is a common problem among many runners who check out their goal race dates and think they still have plenty of time to train, then as the race approaches they then suddenly realize that they have so little time to fix everything together before race day.

Here is what to do when you feel your race is too near

  • Relax

Training for a marathon race is a process that has no short-cut. Panicking and trying to do everything at the last moment will do you more harm than good.

A good training process starts with getting your body used to running with easy runs, which could take 2 weeks to even a month depending on your recent history in running. Introducing heavy workouts and speed work before your body adapts to the training regime will most likely result in injuries or sickness.

  • Be realistic

Accept your level of fitness at the moment and adjust your goals accordingly.

There are so many things to achieve in a marathon race. It could be running a personal best time, conquering the distance, having fun, adding up the number of marathons completed, etc. If you feel that the time won’t allow you to run a personal best time with the remaining days to go, then you could simply shift your goal to just completing another marathon race and you will be happy at the end.

  • Plan the remaining days to your race

Some training runs are there to help the body get fit physically, while other runs are there to help the mind get ready psychologically.

Doing one 35 – 40 kilometers long run a few weeks ahead of your marathon is a great way to get both physically and psychologically prepared for it. A Tempo Run will also be an opportunity to test a steady pace you can try as well as a chance to break into your racing shoes.

The plan should be there to make sure that the long run is not in the last 2 weeks to your marathon race.

Another thing to plan is when and how to travel, pick your race bib and find the nearest accommodation to your race venue.

  • Test race gear, drinks and gels

Fix a semi-long run to test if the drinks and the gels you are going to use in your marathon race will settle well in your stomach during the race.

Try out your running gear as well to make sure they fit well and are comfortable.

You can subscribe to Online Coaching the Kenyan way by Eldoret based Justin Lagat programs to get individualized coaching by the writer of this article. 

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