Moycarkey Coolcroo AC: Fitness Journeys and Sporting Triumphs

Moycarkey Coolcroo AC: Fitness Journeys and Sporting Triumphs

Published on: 16 Apr 2024

Author: Rory Forde

Categories: Featured Blogs Club News

Fit 4 Life Off to a Great Start

Our Fit4Life programme got underway last Monday April 8th at our club grounds in Littleton with fantastic numbers despite the bad weather, The Weather was much nicer on Saturday April 13th with Mossy Bracken & Matthew Ryan taking them through their paces it's not too late to join us, All Welcome, Women & Men, Mondays at 7:30pm & Saturdays at 5pm €2 per session Walk, Jog or Run Our Goal is for you to complete our 5k Road Race in Littleton on July 28th Online Entry is now open at the following link Entering early can be a good motivator & a goal to aim for and keep you on track.

Kevin 3rd in Munster Series 

Congrats to Kevin Shortall who was 3rd 0/40 in the Munster IMRA Mountain running Spring series League which finished up last Sunday April 14th with a 15km run in Seefin Co.Limerick part of the Ballyhoura Mountain range which has a 700m climb that Kevin completed in 1hr 24+57 seconds, Kevin's next challenge is training for the Triathlon season which involves Swimming, Cycling & Running, We wish him The very Best of Luck.


The club extends its sincere condolences to the family and friends of Ollie Maxwell, late of Horse & Jockey Sympathies to his wife Olivia, and his Children Neil, Aaron and Anna. Ar dheis de go raibh a anam dilis.

Tom Runs in Boston Marathon

Huge Congrats to Tom O'Dwyer who completed the prestigious Boston Marathon in America wearing the club colors on Monday April 15th, Getting under the three hour barrier in 2 hours 54mins and 28 seconds Well done Tom.

London Marathon

Best Wishes to Brigid Greaney Woodlock who's running the renowned London Marathon this Sunday April 21st for The McIntrye Charity and In Memory of her daughter Ella Greaney & In memory of Liberty Baker, We wish her the very best & if you would like to support Brigid in her fundraising you can do so at this link


Tipperary Senior Outdoor Track & Field Championships Templemore Sunday,April 21st.