The Montane Winter Spine Race, renowned as one of the world's most challenging ultramarathons, occurred over the last several days along the 268-mile Pennine Way in the UK with a 168-hour cut-off time climbing over 10,000 meters. This year's events have seen remarkable performances from Irish athletes in the face of some harsh winter conditions. You can see from the times below just how impressive the finishes were with some spending over six days on their feet. Below is a full roundup of how the Irish faired over the various races.
Montane Spine 268 Mile Race
David Cummins - 29th (125:46:00)
Brian Hutchinson - 30th (125:55:54)
Liam Steinbeck - 58th (155:40:33)
Julie McNamee - Retired
Irene Finnegan - Retired
Martin McMullan - Retired
Montane Spine Challenger North 160 Mile Race
Ciaran Croke - 12th & 9th Male (60:32:49)
Michael John Kelly - 57th (91:24:50)
John Keatiin - 61st (93:21:23)
Siobhan Brennan - Retired
Montane Spine Challenger South 108 Mile Race
Patrick Ferguson - 29th (48:14:26)
Fiona Lynch - 44th & 10th Female (51:37:38)
Gearoid Michael Murphy - 58th (54:31:20)
Montane Spine Sprint 46 Mile
Dom Devlin - 13th (13:33:50)
Chris McGuinness - 26th (14:00:49)
Rob O'Reilly - 46th (15:23:14)
Colm O'Cofaigh - 78th (17:32:55)
Alan Tiernan - 82nd (17:48:38)
Stuart Donohoe - 84th (17:50:17)