The Inaugural Run With Dunne: A Festival of Running in Tipperary

August 07, 2023

“In this life when you're born with or have acquired a disability you have two choices:  

(1) You can sit and wallow in misery, or (2) You can fight against every obstacle you face, push the boundaries and create an amazing adventure filled life for yourself.”  

Cillian Dunne, Dec. 2021.  

In life’s journey, individuals born with or acquiring disabilities are confronted with a pivotal choice—either surrender to what life has thrown at them or face these problems head on to lead an adventured-filled experience. This philosophy, encapsulated in the above quote by Cillian Dunne, sets the tone for the extraordinary story of resilience and courage that is his life.

Cillian, a young man hailing from Borrisokane, Tipperary, stands as an inspiring example of determination in the face of adversity. Born with Spina Bifida, he has written his life's narrative with an unwavering spirit to conquer his circumstances. He has made the Irish Paralympic team and is currently, diligently preparing for the Paris Olympics next year and on Sunday last, in Borrisokane, Tipperary, the inaugural Run With Dunne event took place, amid a celebratory atmosphere, in an effort to raise funds to aid his training and preparations.

Held in conjunction with the Borrisokane Athletic Club, the event showcased a quartet of engaging activities, the first being a one kilometre run for young children who were cheered on by the many onlookers as they raced through the main street of the town. This was followed closely by a wheelchair race which included Adam King, best known for his appearance from The Late Late Toy Show.

There was also a five and ten kilometre race in this fantastic festival of running with numerous runners from near and far participating with Daniel Ryan Ellis finishing first in the 10km in a time of 34:44 while Siobhan O’Doherty was the first woman home in 39:08. Cillian Dunne himself finished first in the five kilometre race in 24:40, with Michael Gorman coming in 26 seconds behind him while Joan Stakelum was the first woman home in 29:46.

Overall it was an excellent day of fun and activities for all the family and we here in Run Republic are already looking forward to next year’s event while also wishing Cillian the very best in his training and preparations ahead of next year’s Olympics.

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