Skerries 10K

Skerries 10K
Please check with Race Organiser for updates.

No description available.

Event Description:


 2025 promises to be bigger and better. With the adult 10km race (Over 18's only) and a number of kids races on offer - this promises to be a great event.


Location - Skerries Educate Together School - Barnageera Skerries. (Note - change from 2024)

10K Race start time is 9am

The Mile race (estimated 9.10am) commences immediately after the start of the adult races. (Prizes at U20, U18 and U16 in both male and female).

The other kids races (estimated to start from 10.30) will commence immediately after the conclusion of the adult race. (Prizes at U14, U12, U10, U8 and U6 in both male and female)

All kids race will have a combined male and female starts.

 This year, instead of medals, we will have other merchandise in the goody bag.

T-shirts are an optional extra at a cost.

3 options available for number and t shirt (no t-shirt for kid's races) T Shirts are available for the 1 mile race.

Postal option

Collection day before race 9am-12pm in Eurospar Skerries

Collection on race day at race HQ in Skerries Educate Together from 7.30am until 8.30am (kids until 10am)

There is no race registration on the Saturday or Sunday

Kids can enter online or on the Saturday at number collection There is no kids registration on the Sunday.

 Please note age group info for juvenile races

Age categories

Age categories calculated from 31st December in the year of the competition.

No athlete may obtain a birthday in the year of the competition and compete in that age group

For further info:

Race Highlights

  • Date: 16/03/2025
  • Location: Dublin
  • Race Type: 10k
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