Trust10 Derrymore Run/Walk 10k

Trust10 Derrymore Run/Walk 10k
Please check with Race Organiser for updates.

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The Trust10 Derrymore is a free trail run/walk event on 27 April 2025 at National Trust Derrymore House Estate, Newry.

Choose from 5km (2 x laps) or 10km (4 x laps) of a 2.5km undulating course that runs through ancient woodland, round the Bronze Age Rath, and takes in views of the Mourne Mountains.

The is a good introduction to trail running and suitable for all comers - those already running 10km and those who wish to build up from 5km to the full distance.

The event is self-timed and booking is not required.

Race Highlights

  • Date: 28/09/2025
  • Location: Armagh
  • Race Type: 10k
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