Coast2Coast Race Update: Remarkable Feats and Generous Support

June 26, 2024

The Irish Coast2Coast race, a formidable challenge stretching from Bray Head in Wicklow to Bray Head on Valentia Island, has been unfolding since Saturday at 00:00. We are excited to share the latest progress of the solo and relay participants in this gruelling 600km event.

The first relay team, "East Cork," made an astounding achievement by completing the race on Monday at 5:46 am. Their finishing time of 54 hours, 46 minutes, and 30 seconds sets a seriously high bar for future participants. With 15 dedicated members, their performance was nothing short of extraordinary, showcasing teamwork and endurance at its finest.

Following them, the "Cork Trails" relay team crossed the finish line nearly 24 hours later on Tuesday. Their perseverance and determination highlight the challenging nature of this race and the commitment required to complete it.

The "Loopers" relay team is also making steady progress and plan to finish by tomorrow lunchtime, adding to the excitement and anticipation surrounding the event.

Ed Payne, currently the first solo participant, is on track to finish within the next few hours. His solo endeavour emphasises the intense personal challenge and the remarkable physical and mental strength required to tackle this race alone. His time thus far has been incredible!

The atmosphere around the race has been electrifying having spoken to people close to the action. Participants, supporters, and organisers have created a real buzz, celebrating every milestone achieved along the way.

In addition to the impressive athletic achievements, the race has also served as a platform for raising funds for Palliative Care Services Kerry. So far, €3,200 has been raised, showing the generosity and support of the community. You can support the cause by donating here!

The incredible efforts of all participants, whether in relay teams or as solo runners, have made this event truly memorable so far. As the race continues, Run Republic look forward to celebrating more successes and supporting the ongoing fundraising efforts!

Featured Image: Solo leader Ed Payne, by Dermot Hever Photography.

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